(806) 748-5292 / If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call the WPS Hotline (806) 747-6491. If this is an emergency please dial 911.

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Community Outreach & Training Videos

Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock (WPS) became a Community Partner in 1982 when we partnered with the organization to bring together community resources to prevent family violence and protect its victims. WPS specializes in advocacy for women, men, and children who have experienced domestic violence. All services provided at WPS are free and confidential.

The organization’s purpose is to provide a safe environment for victims, offer community education, prevention, rehabilitation of violent family members, encourage a transition to self-sufficiency, and advocate for the prevention and elimination of family violence.

Women’s Protective Services 

WPS Mission Video

Women’s Protective Services,   May 2024

2023 WPS Candlelight Vigil

Women’s Protective Services, October 2023

What does $20 buy?

Women’s Protective Services, October 2022

2021 WPS Candlelight Vigil

Women’s Protective Services, October 2022

2020 WPS Candlelight Vigil

Women’s Protective Services, October 2021

Women's Protective Services Virtual Tour

Lubbock Area United Way, August 4, 2020

Interview With Women's Protective Services

Beyond The Report, Texas Tech Public Media, January 15, 2020

Women's Protective Services of Lubbock

Lubbock Area United Way, May 27, 2021

Women's Protective Services of Lubbock

Everything Lubbock, July 20, 2020