Break the Silence & Stop Domestic Violence
Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock is combatting Domestic Violence throughout the South Plains twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.
Women's Protective Services of Lubbock is dedicated to servicing the entirety of the South Plains region.
Protecting over 10,500 square-miles and with a total population of over 325,000 people in the following counties:Bailey

Our Mission
The mission of Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock, Inc. is to create an environment of empowerment for women, children, and families to eliminate family violence.

Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Info
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, sexual abuse, or financial abuse (using money and financial tools to exert control). Some abusers can exert complete control over a victim’s every action without ever using violence or subtle threats of violence. All types of abuse are devastating to victims.
Am I being abused?
If you answer yes to more than one of the following questions, you may be in an abusive relationship.
Does your partner:
- Constantly criticize you?
- Embarrass or humiliate you in front of your friends & family?
- Intimidate or threaten you, your children, pets, family, or friends?
- Prevent you from seeing your family & friends, or going where you want to go?
- Constantly calls or texts you to check on you?
- Blame you or others for their negative actions?
- Hit, punch, choke, slap, kick, or shove you?
- Use alcohol or drugs as an excuse for their behavior?
- Pressure you sexually?
- Control all of your finances and make you account for money spent?
- Destroy personal property?
- Threaten to hurt or kill themselves, you or your family if you leave?
Do you:
- Feel scared of your partner?
- Feel like no matter what you do, it’s never right?
- Do what your partner wants regardless if it’s what you want or not?
- Stay with your partner for fear of what they will do to you or your family?
- Make excuses or apologies for your partner’s behavior?
- Get scared something you say or do will “set off” your partner?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please contact us. An advocate can help you determine your options and will assist you in developing a safety plan. Call our 24-Hour Confidential, Crisis Hotline for help: 1-806-747-6491 1-800-736-6491 If you are outside the Lubbock region, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE(7233) or 1-800-787-3224(TTY).
What resources are available?
Survivors have many options, from obtaining a protection order to staying in a shelter, exploring options through a support group, or making an anonymous call to the WPS hotline or a national hotline. There is hope for victims, and they are not alone. WPS provides safety, counseling, legal help, and other resources for victims and their children. Information and support are available for victims of abuse and their friends and family.
- If you are in danger, call the WPS hotline, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, or, if it is safe to do so, 911.
- The WPS Hotline provides confidential and anonymous support 24/7. Reach out by phone at (806) 748-5292 or (806) 747-6491.
TIP: Before using online resources, know that your computer or phone may not be safe. Some abusive partners misuse technology to stalk and track a partner’s activities on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. (Learn more at
What if a friend is being abused?
- Become informed.
- Lend a sympathetic ear.
- Do not blame the victim for the abuse.
- Guide your friend to community services.
- Confront the victim with the danger.
- Help develop a safety plan. (Call WPS for help)
What are signs of an abuser?
- Excessive jealousy
- Controlling behaviors
- Isolation
- Blames others for his/her problems
- Blames others for his/her feelings
- Verbal abuse
- Threats of violence
- Breaking or striking objects
- Cruelty to animals or children
- Hypersensitvity
- Past battering
- Use of force during an argument
WPS Info
What is Women's Protective Services?
Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock is an innovative, battered women’s shelter designed to de-institutionalize shelter living, helping families heal and grow into an independent life free from violence. WPS provides crisis intervention, emergency shelter, and support services to battered women and their dependent children across the South Plains. The WPS shelter is designed to provide a complete healing environment for families who seek protection.
What services does WPS offer?
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline
- Shelter, Food, Clothing, and Transportation
- Individual and Group Therapy
- Support Groups
- Parent Education
- Children’s Programs
- Assistance in Obtaining Legal Services
- Assistance in Obtaining Social Services
- Court Accompaniment
- Welfare to Work/Job Readiness Program
- Community Education
- Batterer’s Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP)
Who does WPS serve?
WPS provides services to battered women and their dependent children in a 10,500 square-mile region, with a population of over 325,000. The WPS target area includes 12 West Texas counties; Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Garza, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lubbock, Lynn, Terry, and Yoakum. WPS serves over 3,000 clients a year and offers them shelter and support for as long as they need.
Is WPS free?
Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock, Inc. provides free and confidential services, including a 24-hour, toll-free crisis hotline. Help is available! WPS Hotline: (806) 748-5292 / (806) 747-6491
How can I contact WPS?
WPS Hotline
(806) 747-6491
(806) 748-5292
Women’s Protective Services of Lubbock
P.O. Box 54089
Lubbock, TX 79453